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  1. First I have to say: I love cats. Totally. I couldn't live without a cat.
    Now here's my dream.

    I'm lying in my bed, in my house, everything is normal. I am sleeping, I can see myself sleeping from above. But a meowing wakes me up. This is normal too, my cat wakes me up sometimes when he's cold and needs cuddling. I wake up but the cat is not my ginger cat, it's a white cat who's calling me and walks towards the bathroom. I follow him and when I enter the bathroom I find it full of dead, bleeding, drowed, agonizing cats.
    I go back to bed telling myself that it's just a dream. Back to square one: I'm sleeping in my bed, the cat calls me, I go to the bathroom and find the dead cats. I run back to bed.
    The third time I was so distressd I could feel myself sleeping and at the same time my brain was totally awake. I started calling out for myself, to wake up, desperately. So I felt myself double, one myself who was having the nightmare, and the real myself who was aware of the nightmare and was trying to wake me up. Soooooo weird. I woke up at the end in the middle of the night and I could go back to sleep at all....

    PS: Not nice, but the waking-dreaming experience was interesting
  2. I'm in an empty theater, where red chairs are circular around the central stage. I am sitting on one of the chiars that suddenly goes down, underground. I find myself flying, in a lying down position, along corridors filled with pipes, and rust and dodgy creaking noises everywhere. It's dark and creepy. After a while, I find the chair again, I sit on it and it goes back up to the theater. Nothing has changed, emptiness, silence, but I feel observed (and luckily I wake up:scared:)
  3. I am in my ex-boyfriend house, not as it actually is but I know that's the place. In a room full of clothes we play cards with old university mates, and when we finish I get tattoos all over my chest and belly. Then I leave, I go to the bus stop but there's a strong wind and the leaves are whirling, I have to get back to the house. Nevertheless I find myself on a bus, and after that I am in my ex's house, again. It's late night and I am alone. I put on an evening dress, black with paillettes on the top and I go to sleep.
  4. I need to get home but a huge bridge shuts the entrance to the whole city closed. I find another entry via another bridge only I know. On the bridge two scotsmen in kilts play cards and smile to me.
    Got home, I start on a painting of Michelangelo's Lybic Sybil (I was actually painting that, as a wedding gift for a friend) but above tha painting there is another one, the same but huge that looks down to me. I try to write my signature and a dedication on the painting but I find very difficult, I make many grammatical mistakes and I can't go through with it.