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  1. I had a dream about quadruplets. ( Not part of the dream, I am four mounth pregant with baby #3) IN the dream there was no labor or seeing the babies be born. It started with takign the babies homee fromt he birth center . They were wrapped in white towels cover their whole bodies even their faces. I didn't know that they were babies. My hubby and I were putting the white towled objects in the car and I unfolded one of the towles to see a babies face. I freaked out. Then I opened all the towels and looked at all the babies faces. @ boys with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. Two gilrs with dirty blonde hair one with blue eyes and one with green. All four of the babies looked like they were 6 moonths or so old. We wrapped them back up and laid them on the floor board of our van and drove off.
  2. I have a reoccurring dream and just wonder if any might know what it means.

    I'm in my van, sometimes with my kids some times its just me. But anyways a car pulls up usually a convertible. It has two guys with dark hair, with white shirts and black leather jackets and with them is a lady with long straight black hair wearing a white trench coat. I dont know what they want, but I think they are trying to get in my car. Last time I had this dream the lady git my back door open ( locks didn't work) and stuck her hand in. I got it out, but then as the two men were ruining to my car, I woke up.