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  1. Last night I dreamed my dad had a terminal illness so everyone threw him his last birthday part and we all sang his favorite birthday song which he loves. It was horrible.
  2. I fell asleep on my couch today. I dreamt I was a little kid at an amusement park and I lost my balloon. As I chased after it I saw a little girl get killed. What does that mean?
  3. I forgot about this dream until just now when I read a post someone had about an Alice in Wonderland type dream. In mine, It was a lot like the story- or at least similar.

    It was a big party in a huge fancy mansion type place- this was just before my prom so maybe that's why it started there. People came in dressed in black, they killed everyone there, they slaughtered my whole family in front of me. I ran away (still wearing a party dress). I was the only one to survive. As I was running I found a door at the mansion and it was smaller then normal doors, maybe 4 1/2 feet, but I'm short so it wasn't hard to get through. It was a bedroom and their was a fat woman who I knew was powerful but she was wearing rags. There were a lot of cats in the room, maybe 50, they were on the bed and floor. The woman called in an executioner to have me killed. One of the cats was black with dark purple stripes, it was the smallest scroniest cat there and looked anorexic. It could talk to me telepathically and told me to run for it. I knew I wouldn't make it out in time and told this to the cat. The cat said I would have to try to hide myself then. I started transforming into a cat and I realized all the cats in the room were once people but they could never escape so they all turned into cats and stayed that way. As I was still changing I woke up.

    It seemed so real, I could feel everything around me, especially the part where I was changing into a cat.
  4. Last night I dreamed I was suppose to brink one of those electric cooking pots to school for my animation teacher, but I forgot to any she got really mad at me. Just kind of a funny one, although in real life I haven't been doing my homework in there for a while and I really should.

    I took a nap after a long walk today and I dreamed that I was laying down on the ground in a forrest wearing a nice shirt, pants, and vest- but no shoes. I felt like I couldn't move but that it wasn't really a bad thing, like I didn't want to move. Then I started shrinking as I staired up at a tree that looked like it was getting bigger since I was shrinking.
    Then I woke up.
  5. I dream a lot, usually over 5 times a night where I remember the full dream- I've been told this is more then normal. So I guess I'm just a dreamer. Most of my dreams just seem to reflect my day, but I have a lot of weird ones too, and sometimes I have concerning one. I even have dreams during the day when I take a nap or when I'm wide awake- which freaks me out.

    Last night I dreamt my boyfriend had moved in with me at a new house, which we are planning to do in real life but don't know when we can. This was special to me because he has recently joined the Marines and I didn't see him for 3 months, then he came back for a few days and had to leave again, but for the last two week we have been able to have a little conversation on the phone during weekends.
    In the dream we went to the bedroom where I had been living (it was his first day there) and we held each other for a few moments, then made love. It wasn't graphic at all, I was actually just starting to wake up and it was more of an emotion.