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  1. So I just had an interesting dream and felt I should write it down before I forget…

    It started off with me walking down the beach in Galveston on a gorgeous sunny day. Suddenly I look over to my left and way out in the distance there is a storm coming- and quickly. I can’t move for a minute because I’m in such awe at the speed at which this storm is approaching. When I finally snap out of it, I look around and see people running. But not away from the storm- through it. I watch as this storm completely destroys a house, just completely demolishes it. That’s when I decide “uhh time to go!!!”

    So I take off running, its starting to rain at this point but I can still see where I’m going. I end up in this old building. No one is around and its kinda bright in the room but I’m just grateful to be inside. Then I look around. I’m standing (still wet from being outside) in a HUGE room. A big square room. However instead of four big walls bordering the room, there are four HUGE windows. Only the windows are big ass TV screens that are just white. Like the feed to whatever they usually show is broken or something.

    Anyway, that was when I notice people. A few of them welcomed me- offering me food or some dry clothes. And some just plain stared at me. I don’t quite remember how many people there where. If I had to guess, I’d say about 10-15. Anyway, I befriended someone in my dream who kept going back and forth between Edward and Darren (go figure… damn you Stephanie Meyer…)

    After changing, drying off and eating (not EXACTLY in that order) I decide to go see the damage outside. When I open the door is also when it gets crazy… I saw explosions and fire in the distance. I stood there for a second trying to make sense of the scene in from of me when I looked around. I could see very far out in the distance a very thick dark bluish grey cloud wall. Must’ve been about 30 miles away. I follow this wall with my eyes and I realize something. We are all inside the storm. That’s when I look up and I see planes dropping bombs on us. That’s when I start to freak. I told the people inside that there were planes dropping bombs on us, and that this was no regular storm. Everyone in the room just looked at me for a second then rushed to the door. When I looked back into the sky I could see one coming right for us.

    I went on instant auto pilot and got down (as did everyone else). The bomb exploded and the room shook a bit but sustained no damage.

    The rest of the dream is kinda fuzzy. There’s me and “Darren/Edward” walking down 59. I look to my right and see my step father at work. Only it was quite a different sight. He apparently got promoted because not only was his office an entire floor of a building, his name was on the outside ( he was on the top floor so his name was at the top of the building). I open my mouth to say something when “Darren/Edward” is just like “yeah I know, I pass by it everyday” and we continue walking

    Then there was another part in particular where Darren/Edward and I wanted alone time but there were a bunch of people around us. We were about to walk away when someone walked in that someone else didn’t like and they started arguing. Or… not actually arguing. Just very loudly making comments about each other to other people. “Darren/Edward and I try to sneak away to a room where we can be alone and the lady follows us and starts chatting it up about how she didn’t do anything to the other woman and she didn’t understand what her problem was…

    But the SUPER odd thing about that part… was that the women that were being bitches to each other were both Sandra. One of them was like in sweats and a t-shirt (like she’d always wear when she took care of Brissa as a baby). The other Sandra was all prettied up like she just came from the club. Of course while I’m dreaming, this seems completely normal. It made me scratch my head in confusion when I woke up though….

    Other than that there was a portion of the dream where I was in my own little version of Twilight. Only Edward was kinda holding me hostage. Only because I was a hazard to myself though. He was trying to keep me away from someone bad. At one point the was on the phone and I tried to make a run for it. But he saw me and didn’t even have to put his phone down to wrangle me back in the house lol

    Then there was a group of female vampires that were trying to eat me and Edward saved the day…

    THAT should be it… Everything else is fuzzy. I’ll sit down later and try to interpret that parts that I can…