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  1. Okay so last night I had this dream of me living on a street with my boyfriend. I somehow made friends with some of the children who,m lived on the street aswell (which first of all is weird cause im an adult and it seemed as if i was a kiddy in an adults body cause why would I be making friends with them). One of the children really seemed to stand out to me. She was a young girl who was incredibly nice, exceptionally shy though, just one of those people who stand out as a really nice person. I made friends with her and its as if I wanted to look after her, guide her and be like an older sister to her. I started lending her some of my old clothes and everything. Yet something seemed off about her. I started realising that she wanted to hang out with me more than ever go home (it was just her living with her single dad). I didnt want to ask her about it but when i did her face changed everytime and she wouldnt say much.. i knew something was wrong and i was determined to find out what that was. Apparently everyone in the neighbourhood was a tad frightened of this girls father and steered well clear of him. One day she came to visit me again and she had these strange marks on her little neck.. I asked her about it as I thought i was very close to her at this stage and she told me that her dad tried to hang her :O ... this was absolutely shocking to me! and she kinda looked away like its the norm and it seemed like he did other terrible things to her and just treated her absurdly. This is when i striked mad. I was planning on stealing this girl away from her father. And one day at a neighbourhood party i went to ask him if she could stay the night with me so i could make my plans to set her free. Its at this party that its the first ever time that i hear her name, "Monique" (which is my name weirdly enough) When i go to ask him though i dont see his face, just a big burly man. And this is how ive seen him the whole time. When shed show me photos his face is never in them... Thats my dream! Any ideas on what this dream means, Id love to hear all angles of it.