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  1. i dreamed i was in a store, similar to wal-mart with a friend...all of a sudden i see this nice looking guy with dark brown hair... who tries to approach me but i told him i was married and i couldn't talk around with men. he gives me a zip log bag with an old looking gun, and a piece of paper with his phone number on it, something else was in that bag but i can not remember what it was. i starred totally irritated to that bag but took it anyway and kept it with me...

    time passes and i find myself preparing for a concert - all my co singers were ready, but i seemed not to be able to get my hair done nor did any of my outfit fit. i was sad that no matter what i did i didn't look as perfect as my co singers...anyway i told them i quit because i even forgot the dance moves and so i left.

    Then i was home, looking again at the bag with this gun and that number...i called him and stepped outside the house, and in the opposite side was a tower with apartments where he was living in one of the highest levels...he picks up and he comes outside to his balcony and i could see him smile at me, i smiled back and we were talking. then was a cut and i see him standing with me in front of a gate of a gorgeous looking wild garden...oddly i had a white cow with me who was following me everywhere, well actually i took her with me we were walking inside in this garden and were talking and having a good time, then we entered a building inside and walked through a tight corridor and there ..was my husband..standing in that tiny corridor...reading some documents..he didn't notice me at all but i realized all he had to do was look up and he would see me with this other guy. so i turned around and left with the cow..followed by that stranger...we part ways again and i headed home, somehow i ended up at a gas station and there he was passing by with his car - he saw me, smiled and kept driving - i smiled back and headed home - running with the cow which i don't know why i was running, i just did. apparently he turned around and was following me with his car - i was surprised and happy to see him next to me getting out of the car so i greeted him with a big kiss - it felt so right - i felt like i knew him a hundred years he wrapped his arms around me and we kept kissing and kissing he told the cow to go eat or run so we could be undisturbed in our doing so we laughed and kissed again...then i woke up and realized how much i miss being in love, and how unhappy i am in my marriage.