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  1. I was with about a a friend and her bf, and her cousin shopping for my friend's sister's birthday. I could feel the tension between from me towards everyone else. I felt a sensation of anger & jealousy. All of a sudden i begin to argue with my friend and next thing i know i'm saying what you think i won't and i cut a section of her hair on the left side (almost looking like front layers but not perfect) and everyone was shocked and i was happy yet enraged at the same time. Then her bf walked towards the window and she said don't look at me..your not going to love me anymore like this. And she walked towards him and said i still love you w/all my heart...i'll give you everything..i'll take care of you. and i was trying to squeeze on the side to peak out the window while they were next to me and said i love u to eachother. What does this mean?