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  1. In this dream I had been throwing away some old things that I did not need anymore. In real life I had done that as well this week.

    In my neighborhood there is one place for everyone to bring their garbage. Its like a container under ground with the opening above ground. Its emptied every week.
    Sometimes people put bigger things next to the opening above ground, because it does not fit in the opening. Mostly people allow it when its done in an orderly way. Everyone knows that its ok if you make sure that things are nog dangerous, cannot fall over etc.

    A man in my neighborhood always complains about everyone. He sits on the balcony of his apartment, and watches for hours and hours, if anyone down below is doing something he does not like.
    I was his victim this time, he shouted that it was not allowed to place these things there.
    Since everyone else allows it, and does it too, in a social way. I did not listen and walk away.
    The man came all the way up to my garden, 1,5 street away, placed the things (three plastic garden chairs) back into my garden in the middle of the night (real life). Which was a crazy thing to do I think.

    In my dream he did this too, only it was way more stuff 'and' garbage then I had cleaned up. It was the garbage of the whole neighborhood that he placed into my garden!
    I went to search for him, to tell him that I did not allow him to place everyones garbage in my garden. And that he should leave me alone, in peace because I did not do anything wrong.
    I did not find him.
    When I came back I found out that even more garbage was placed in my garden. And a circus tent was next to it.

    I walked up to the tent and asked the people in there if they knew where the man was that had placed the garbage in my garden.
    They did not know and they where kind of bussy so they did not want to stay and talk.

    In the end of the dream the circus people took away all the garbage, as if they had been the ones that placed it there in the first place.
    I did not really understand what it was all about.
  2. In my dream I got a call from my uncle.
    He spoke in a tone that sounded as if he was saying something that he knew would hurt me.
    He said that he and the family had planned together to take the cats out of our home, because my mother could not take care of them.

    I shouted that they had no right to do that. And that she was perfectly able to take care of the cats. I have never seen someone so good and loving for animals. I said that he had no idea about who she was and how she took care of things. I cried, because I was scared they would simply do it by overpowering us.
    In this dream I still lived with my mother, she has three cats and they mean the world to her.
    And from this point on I was scared that 'they' could come to take away/steal the cats.
    They would not listen to what I had to say.
    They had not seen my mother face to face for years, and they used this to say that she was unable to take care of them.
    They made an image of her towards other people, that was terrible, instead of seeing her as she was.

    Some parts of the dream I do not remember. The first part that I do remember is that suddenly the big black bus of my aunt stopped in front of the house, and my aunt opened all the doors.
    She started taking things from our house, and putting them in her car.
    I ran outside and told her that she was not allowed to take things from our house.
    She had a very scary harsh face and completely ignored me.
    I again said that she could not do this, and asked her why, why would she and the family be so cruel and terrible.
    I did not understand how they could be this way.. how..
    She shouted at me that she did it because my mother had stolen money from my grandfather. Now they would take her things.
    I shouted back that it was untrue, that it never had been proven, and that she could not do what she was doing.

    I am not sure how to describe this dream. We where fighting of course. But the emotional heavyness and fear behind it was very very strong.
    I feel a very deep, deep pain inside when I think about it. A very old pain.

    The dream went on. My aunt started pushing me, and it was clear she would never ever listen to reality.
    I was so scared, so angry, so incredibly sad for what they did to my mother.
    I was just filled with pain and tried to protect my mother, I tried to stop my aunt. My mother is ill (also in real life) she has a permanent lung pneumonia on both sides, she cannot walk well and she gets medications that make her allergic and very fat.
    I feel a strong protective feeling for her, because she does not have a lot of strength herself.
    My aunt went inside, but I stopped her in the hallway.
    I pushed her back to the front door and again said that she was not allowed to take my mothers things.
    She pushed herself in again and really started fighting now. Screaming, hitting, pushing, pulling hair.
    I kept trying to keep her away from the house and from my mother and I was stronger.
    My aunts body started to shrink into a smaller, older, weaker looking body.
    It was really a scary sight. She pretty much became a small, old, shrieking creature that I did not recognize.

    I managed to push her outside strongly, she fell, I closed the door, with her outside of it and then I could breathe again.
    I felt terribly hurt and sad.
    I felt a huge feeling of being treated unfairly, not being listened to, so alone and not cherished by family.

    I was scared more family would come now that I had pushed her. She would tell them that I had done that, and not what she had done. But for a moment I did not care.
    All I could feel was relief that the shrieking wrinkled creature was not in the house now.


    Here the dream stopped I think.
    A very emotional dream that is very linked to when I was a child. And the way the family has treated us, is 'pretty bad'. I do not even want to think about it :scared:. It did not exactly happen like in the dream, but the feelings they caused in me as a child are the same.
    The dream reminds me about these scared feelings.
    I realize again that I am truly scared of these people.