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  1. Last night i made this dream... it was special, deep... it felt so good...

    It is really vague but i remember one thing... there was a sunset, the nicest one ever... it made everything orange. I was on the beach... someone by my side but i didnt see who it was... it looked like a guy, average of height. I looked around me, streched my arms on my sides, trying to get the beauty, and i breathed, but i still had my problem... my chronic asthma... so i closed my eyes and i cought on fire... it didnt burn, it felt peacefull, just a bit warm, and it burned my asthma. It was conforting on my skin, not attacking me but my illness. It was doing the same thing on the dude beside me. I opened my eyes and the sunset was there, the blue ocean with an orange top. I fell on my knees... i looked around, taking a deep breath and it got in me... i didn't have any asthma anymore.. i didn't have a stridor anymore... i was myself again...

    and i woke up.