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  1. Cody and I were in my room, having sex, in the middle of the day. My door was wide open, and my parents were home. They never came into or near my room, but they didn't know what we were doing.
    I got up from the bed, walked to my dresser in front of my door, with no clothes on at all. Cody got up, walked over to me, wrapped his arms around me and we kissed.
  2. I was dancing with Cody at the formal, and we started kissing. Jordan (my ex) and Kara (his ex) saw us and got really pissed. They started chasing us around the cafeteria.
    Cody gave me his keys and said, "Go get my truck and drive it to the door. I'll distract them."
    I said, "Cody, I don't know how to drive."
    He pushed me towards the door. I ran through the parking lot, drove his truck to the door, and he ran and got in. I slid into the passenger's seat and we left.
    After we had made Jordan and Kara, who were following us in Jordan's car, lose our trail, we went to Cody's house and hid there until the next morning, when it was safe.