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  1. I was at my friends house, (well it looked like her house on the inside, but later on the outside it looks more like mine.) And we were talking with her dad, I don't remember about what, all of a sudden in walks a wrestler (one that I know from watching wrestling) who's one of my favorites, I talk to him and tell him I've always like him. He gives me a hug and then picks me up like a feather, like you pick up a child under the arms, then puts me down. The wrestler stays a little while and then leaves. Me and my friend go outside, this is where is starts to look more like my house, and I notice that she's pregnant! (my friend is really like my little sister, she only 12 and was still the same age in my dream.) I don't know how to react to this so i ignore it while we are looking for something in a white shed. Her mom comes home a little while later, and she doesn't seem to be shocked about her daughter being pregnant. I ask my friend how she got pregnant and she tells me she doesn't know. And then I wake up.

    If you can understand, please help me! I'm very shocked that my 'little sister' was pregnant in my dream and I don't want anything to happen to her.