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  1. I was dating a guy named Paul. But it wasn't the real Paul from real life. He looked like my cousins husband. I had a son. My real son. The fake Paul was my fiancé. He cheated on me with an ex from my real Pauls life. Emily. She had a baby. The fake Paul told me that he couldn't take all the fighting and decided to cheat and then leave me. I began to cry and beg for him to change his mind. He wouldnt. Then I packed up mine and my sons stuff and called the real Paul from my real life. I asked him if he was single. He said yes. I traveld back to my hometown where he was. He was the biological father of my son. The fake Paul was not the real father.

    The scary part of this dream is the nite before I fell asleep and had this dream me and fiancé did have a fight and he did say if I kept accusing him of doing stuff he wasn't and if we kept constantly fighting he my as well cheat and leave me. Then we cooled down and apologized for everything. The dream just seemed so real like it was going to happen that I woke up crying. Does this mean if I dont change that everything in my dream that happend with the fake Paul, will actually happen between my and my real fiancé?