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Working As a Home Care Aid

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 994


I'm late for a job, which is to check in on this man. I'm to help him around the house, sort of like a home care aid. I got to his place and I'm told he lives both upstairs and downstairs, one apartment on top of the other.

He shows me a pajama suit, one with feet. I assume he wants to wear it and I ask, "Do you want me to help you in this , Hon?" A woman is here observing and she looks disapprovingly. I realize you're not supposed to use terms of endearment with the clients, but I didn't know the man's name.

Then I offer to do his housework. The place is so dusty that the vacuum is clogged. It take the brush part of the hose off and it begins to blow back. I see dust and debris flying and the wall is gone and I can look down on a factory setting.

Now I'm in this place and eager to get to hell out.

That's all I can remember.
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