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When Fish and Men Attack

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 971


My cousin Judy comes over to my place with a fish and she needs to put it in water. It's a beautiful fish with long flowing fins like a Beta. I put the fish in a bowl that has a fish like a Beta but much smaller---and aggressive. I tell her that we must find another home for her fish because mine is picking away at her and it's starting to thrash around and I fear the little one will kill it.

The scene changes and now I'm cornered by a man with tattoos who is supposedly my husband. He doesn't have much for hair and he's wearing a tank top. He starts for my throat and I get away from him and run into the arms of another man--more handsome, with hair and no tattoos.

I forget the rest but the dream has me waking up to still trying to avoid this guy.
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