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What Is That Thing?

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 794


I'm with a group of people in a setting that has rows of houses with backyards with different things happening. I head over to the one that is about to have drag races. When I arrive and stand around with the other people, I notice I'm not wearing pants, just underwear and a long t-shirt. I tug at the shirt to keep it down and look around to see of other's are in their underwear only, but I'm the only one.

Next scene, I'm in a factory setting and I'm looking up at equipment that has a round silver disk, probably for ventilation. Something black crawls over it and I shriek. "What is that thing??" It's body is like an ant and has eight legs like a spider. The disk is about the size of a dinner plate and the thing covers most of it. I'm freaked out by it and then wake up.
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