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Wallets and Old Technology
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 828
I'm in my house and every once in a while a young Asian man brings me some leather wallets and places them on the kitchen table. I'm not sure why but I guess it's so I can sell them for him. I decide to buy one. It's like soft gray felt and decide that I will give him $20 for it the next time he comes back. I also think he might be a muslim, but don't know why.
Then I enter a garage that's been renovated into a church. What's weird is that it's cluttered with old technology like stereo record and tape players. I ask a man there about it and he laughs and says that he can't afford the new stuff right now. I see he has chairs, some of them desk swivel chairs and some plastic. There are about a dozen of them and I assume that is for an audience for his sermons.
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