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Walking Home With Bare Feet

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 810


In one part of the dream, I'm with a small group of people and a young woman is sitting at the dinning table and this big blue and white worm thing starts crawling toward me. I'm freaked out and begin walking away fast and the thing almost catches up with me. Now I'm running down stairs and the stair case reminds me of one similar at the town hospital. My late cat Muffin is at the bottom and I grab her and we run outside. I'm out on the lawn still holding Muffin and the worm thing turns into a skunk and is still coming toward me. I run back toward the house and step over the skunk but me and Muffin make it in alright.

The rest of the dream was rather confusing. I'm walking home from school without shoes on. I remember I need to go back and get them. I end up roaming the halls looking for my math book. I've also neglected to even go to my math class and realize I have to make up for lost time. I find my class and my former supervisor Jeannie is my teacher and I explain to her that I havent' been to class because I couldn't find my locker to get my book.

Then I'm entering a science class and go in during a lecture with a presentation on screen. All I remember about the screen is it's white with a blue snowflake on it. Then I'm walking home in my bare feet again and remember I have to go back for my shoes when I wake up.
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