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Unwelcome Guest is Erratic Drunk

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 982


I'm living in a house that reminds me of the one I lived in growing up. It's nighttime and a family relative shows up drunk and she's acting erratic. My friend Sylvia is here as well and the drunk relative is smoking and blows smoke in her face and says "So, are you two getting married?" as a stupid joke. Sylvia says "No!" and I tell her that her cigarette is nasty and to please put it out.

Then someone is taking apart a line phone and tells me the best way to win an argument with this drunk relative is to focus on objects instead of her. My understanding of this is that she will either be amused or get bored and leave.

The next scene I'm sitting in a place that part classroom and part church. A woman is lecturing/sermonizing about The Chamber of Commerce and song lyrics in a book. I'm amazed that I was just thinking about the CoC and how she happened to mention it. The song lyrics are also related to the previous part of the dream about the drunk relative.

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