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Trying to Complete Unnecessary Tasks

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1241

I'm searching for the algebra class I'm supposed to attend. The "school" resembles part of a manufacturing facility and part long hallways like the ones at my former high school. I'm confused whether I'm a student here or in a teaching/aide capacity and find a student and ask where the algebra class is.

I end up going through a maze of halls and elevators and I'm getting frustrated until I'm on the verge of waking up. I'm observing a graduation ceremony where all the students are wearing pink caps and gowns. Then I wake up and realize I've already graduated and need not worry about passing a class I don't need.
Now I'm in an auditorium waiting for a movie to begin. I'm thinking it's "Thor" and the film starts and Thor appears sporting his hammer and red cape when suddenly it's interrupted by a play with actors coming out wearing medieval garb and carrying fake swords. The few people in the audience, including me, go up to the edge of the stage for a closer look. I'm wondering if we'll get to see the rest of the movie and then I realize I left my glasses on the seat.

I go back to my seat and find several pairs of glasses all over the place and the lens on many of them are cracked or broken. The bows are twisted and/or coming off. I give a dirty look to some teenageer sitting in the next row whom I suspect may be the culprit. I rummage through the pairs until I find mine. For some weird reason, they have attached earpieces like headphones that are broken apart.

I spend the rest of the dream trying to put them back together and almost complete the task when I wake up.
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