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Tiny Dogs and Swaying Elevator

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 862


I'm back at the school where I worked, working in the capacity as a helper or substitute. There's a small (by small, I mean it can fit in the palm of your hand) running around. Why I'm not sure. It's running up the stairs and I follow after it. Some kids are laughing behind me and I fear my skirt is too short and keep pulling it down because I'm not wearing anything underneath.

Then I get to the top but I have to go up another floor to where the little dog went, which was the resource room I used to work. I look down the corridor and see an elevator and punch the button and it opens. I hit the arrow going "up" and as it takes off, I'm weightless like gravity is light and the elevator rocks and sways as if it only has one pulley with not other support. Then the door opens and I force myself out and hit the floor where gravity is once again.

Now I'm in the resource room and the special ed. teacher asks what I'm doing here. I say I'm not sure while looking for the dog.

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