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The search for ammo...of all things
Published by Bluestar in the Dream Diary Bluestar's Dream Diary. Views: 882
I had another dream... and yet again it was strange. But I think it had an actual significance this time. I think.
Though, it *is* kinda vague so I'll just write what I can remember.
I think we were planning to do a play. I was in the decor I was doing a jet. It was a small blue coloured jet made of paper mache but with fonctionnal guns. It used the ammo of a nerf gun.
I've gotta guess that we were on a floating wooden balcony or something and that was where the play was supposed to be. The audience would be sitting on the built in amphitheatre. The whole thing just made me think of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker... for some reason...
Anyways, something went wrong with my jet. It wouldn't fire. And I was practically panicking. I was really proud of that jet! I realized that someone had forgetten the ammo at home so me and a guy went to get it(I think it was my brother).
We trekked through shoulder high snow. Thank god the streets were cleared and snow free!!! One of us had a sled that was trailing behind us. I recondnized our old sled anywhere! But I just wonder how we got onto ground. I guess I'll never know!
We went to our house. It was here that I knew that I was with my brother because he told me something like "They used to be here but I can't find them." or soemthing that meant that he knew where his stuff was(because Joe has all the nerf guns). Now, I was panicking. I was really panicking, like shaking. Then he said that they were in the shed behind our house.
We went outside and(for some reason) there was a huge(approx. 15m) crater full of tree roots. It really looked not safe. And since I was still panicking I really didn't want to go through.
The rest is a blurr. But I remember that we got the ammo and that we were coming back to fix the jet. And then my Mom woke me up.
Theis is weird because in my dream we had a play. And in real life were also making a play at school. My Mom woke me up to go at school to make the stage. I'm in decor just like in my dream.
Strange. It might be strangely prophetic too! Today I did panic. But it wasn't because something I made wasn't working. It was because I had to climb a three story scafolding. Now I'm not afraid of hights. It's just that there was a board stuck on the other side of the scaolf so I couldn't get as big of a grip as I wanted too... then the duck tape just stuck to my hand and it was all scruched up so I couldn't do anything. My friend tried too but she couldn't either(though at least she was able to stick a bit of duck tape to the wall). So maybe it was predicting that. Then, a few things didn't work out exactly as planned either but it was the panicking that really made me think: woah.
The jet, I think, came from my love for jets. And my love for jets comes from my obsession over Transformers, or more specifically the Seekers(who are basically Transformer Jets). Though the jet looked kinda like this: (image curtesy of Teletran-1 The Transformers Wiki. USed without permission). Then I thought "Thundercrakcer? Okay." That might mean something too but then again I do tend to see symbolism in everything. *shrugs* Oh well, about the nerf gun though... I'll never figure that out.
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