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The Battle Never Ends
Published by MelancholyRose in the Dream Diary MelancholyRose's Dream Diary. Views: 1334
Lately, every night my dreams have involved a battle or war of some kind. I don't remember any other details in them, except it's me versus various enemies, and they all look and act as if they belong in video games (that's not odd, I play tons of video games).
Almost every time, however, when fighting against this multitude of forces, I'm a young man who is very skilled at using weapons (somehow?). Last night it was him/I against a bunch of freaky flying masks, another one recently I was against some kind of rabid animals, and another where I was fighting skeletons. he/I rise victorious in every battle, and he/I are never wounded or defeated.
I'm only vaguely certain what these could mean. I'm thinking that there's something about myself I'm fighting with. I don't know exactly what it could be, but the fact that I always win the fights doesn't feel like it's a bad sign. It might relate to the upcoming positive changes that are coming along in my life and I've been thinking and worrying a lot about how not to ruin it.
But it could relate to other things that are going on with me as well. When I dream that I'm male, I don't notice much of a change in the dreamworld. Being male in the dreams just feels like I'm still myself and everything is normal. It's not until I wake up that I realize I was dreaming myself in a male body. However, If I'm ever my female self, somehow I'm always in trouble and afraid or in danger. If a nightmare occurs, and they do often, my dreams will suddenly grow very grim and dark, I'm always female in them, and alone, and no one wants to help me.
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