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Test Number 4
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 849
I'm in a place that's in a wooded area and there's a couple of buildings. One of them you have to climb a latter to get to, sort of like a tree house. The other building is a big wooden shed that also acts like an outhouse. The thing is, I go to use the bathroom and the toilet is gone.
Anyway, I'm to take a test at a bench and desk outside. In what exactly, I'm not sure. I tell a girl, who is in her teens, that I need to take the test that's for (and here I'm trying to explain my fourth year of study) but instead I keep goofing and saying "4th grade," and "number 4." She grins and paws through a stack of small yellow papers looking for "number 4." I finally say it correctly. It's at this moment I excuse myself to use the bathroom and cant' find the toilet.
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