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Sprinkling Salt

Published by zapemaster in the Dream Diary zapemaster's Dream Diary. Views: 1799

(( had this one last night. its kinda broken, but here we go))

I started the dream walking into a fictional pizza joint. it was well lit, and the interior was new and immaculate. besides me, the only other people there were people behind the counter. this blonde chick gave me a big happy genuine smile. she looked very happy in every way. she welcomed me to the restaurant and asked me a couple questions that i didnt have the answers to, so i went out to find them, now in an optimistic and happy mood.

somehow i find myself in a small hallway, old and decrepit. paper things pasted to the wall were peeling off and yellow from age. there were few or no doors, and all i knew to do was proceed. eventually i catch up with an old and profoundly important friend of mine, who always interested in my spiritual progress forward into Ascension and im always wishy washy... any how, i started seeing piles of salt, small, only about a handfuls worth. i picked up a pinch with my left hand and put it in a tray (like the ones you see outside of a teachers door for a school where you put papers in for them to get later) these old plastic things were falling apart too. occasionally one of these trays would actually be next to a door on the left. they looked like they wouldnt open unless kicked in. full of papers and peeling paint and old cracked windows occasionally that you couldnt see through. anyways, i passed those by without a thought as to what was behind it and continued on at a casual pace. my friend was happy, then he left. afterwards either i encountered my boyfriend, or his presence followed me for a while. i found it comforting to know he was there. we proceeded in silence. (also take note that the only time i put a pinch of salt in a tray was after turning a corner, where the tray always seemed to be)

in the end (and im not sure how, maybe i did open a door or something) i found myself back at the pizza place. she welcomed me with another bright smile and asked me the same questions again, and this time i had answers.

((im not sure what conversation we had, i dont remember the words. what i want to know is why i had this salt deal going on. i know salt has a huge meaning, but im unsure what this means in this context, or what answers i had, or why this chick was so happy. i remember that place in great detail! any impute would be helpful and appreciated. if nothing else, i hope this amuses you to some degree!!))
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