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Space Flight Take Off from Desert
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 870
What I remember from last night's dream are fragments, but here goes:
I'm in a public setting and a former co-worker who was nosy and always butting in sets down a white plastic bag with things in it and I accept it gladly.
A gangster is looking for people and everyone is on his shit list and going into hiding.
Then two men are planning a trip up into space. I can't remember who the men are, but they seem to be composites of tv characters in Star Trek.
I go out into a desert to see their space ship off, which resembles a rocket with a glassed in dome. The men take off with surprisingly no dust from the desert sand. I'm puzzled why I'm their only audience. I see them in their ship and it's like for a moment I'm in the cockpit with them and start to feel panicky at the prospect of leaving earth and a bit dizzy from the height.
Then I wake up.
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