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Soup and Weddings
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 921
I remember something about a low flying craft and crashing into a field. I forget the rest. Then I'm in a class where the instructor says for us to name the ingredients in a soup that where not in the soup the day before. I see mushrooms and slices of bread and grated cheese in it. Since I don't recall what was in the soup the day before, I write down grated and get to the ch in cheese when the instructor picks up the paper I wrote and says "thank you" and I start to tell him that I was also going to write mushrooms but he's says that's fine. He was a jerk and I didn't like him.
Then I'm at a wedding of two widows. Their spouses had died and they are marrying each other. Some poetry was read and written on a poster and engraved in the rings. The minister asks "Who here would like to be a witness?" A man in the back raises his hand but I do to and I'm chosen to be the witness. I'm asked to choose a word for them to be used
as the theme of the wedding. There were words like joy, love, etc. I say "Hope."
The bride smiles. She has blond whitish hair. I walk away. I think choosing "hope" was a stupid choice.
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