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Someone has time on her hands!
Published by ClaYuR in the Dream Diary ClaYuR's Dream Diary. Views: 1215
Okay, so..i thought i'd start this thing up, because i want to keep track of patterns or odity's[sp?]
I normally have rather simple dreams, i genuinely believe it is my self concious making sense of what happened in the day/week that went by. They are very consistent, i rarely note a difference.
However, in the past couple of months i have noticed changes in my dream patterns, and they have been prominant. I think it's due to interruption in my normal life and also i believe it is due to stress, which is an obvious factor in change to dream patterns.
I can't say i have nightmares, just i say, odity's..or rarity's. And i'm due to start a new medication called champix, it's a medicine for those who wish to stop smoking. Now, the fact i'm stopping smoking could also be a factor in any change in my dreams, as i'm breaking a habit i've had for many years. I'd like to think the medication has nothing to do with it, but i would like to note it anyway..
So here's a list of all medications i'm on at the moment, and here's hoping i find something useful in my time!
1. Fluoxitine, designed to keep a steady flow of chemicals released by the brain. Primarily for depression, can also be used for sleep problems, eating disorders etc.
2. Ventolin(Reliever).
3. Ventolin(12mg Steriod-based).
- Both are used to calm my asthma. Again, this is based on steriods which can cause inconsitancy in the mind, but my Fluoxitine balences this.
4. Champix, as i said above i'll be using this in the help to quit smoking. I don't know the doseage, i will be beginning a course starting next Tuesday (28th Jan).
If anyone follows this, and would like to leave a comment or pass judgement, step right up! thing i must state.
I'm posting this blog for my own benefit primarily, if you're going to be a ho i'll slap you down.
No bitch-assed-ness!
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