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Scary Group Are Like the Mafia

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1160


I'm sitting in a chair and I'm trapped. I'm not being restrained, but assaulted and threatened. A man is slapping me across the face letting me know I better keep quiet and know my place. I'm not sure why this is happening, it's like it's been picked up in the middle of a story line.

Then I'm with a group of people, many of them much younger than me, and some I recognize as former co-workers. They are having a meeting and discussing the recent beheading of a cop. Some among the group were responsible and everyone was in a congratulatory mood and laughing. I'm horrified but don't dare say anything. These people seem to have no moral conscience.

Then they huddle together for a prayer and join hands I join them in order to not stand out and maybe get myself killed. I marvel at the hypocrisy. One of the young woman offers me some lollipops and I accept them gladly even though I don't like lollipops.

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