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Running away with my child

Published by abf17 in the Dream Diary abf17's Dream Diary. Views: 1793

Someone had recently written something on the wall of my house and i was trying to figure out who it was. I was with my child named Sophie (I don't have a child, im still in school) and my mother. When i found out who the mystery person was, i went into a nearby room to tell my dad, who was sitting with several people at a small table and eating dinner. As soon as i told him, all the people turned against us and started fighting. I ran out of the room, got my mother and daughter, and tried to find a way out. we went through many doors before finding a sliding door and left the house. We got in a car and drove away, across the grass, but one man that was in the fight came after us and was chasing us in his truck. We finally escaped by driving into a tunnel underneath a building.
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