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Recurring nightmares
Published by MelancholyRose in the Dream Diary MelancholyRose's Dream Diary. Views: 1356
These dreams are still happening, and they've been going on for months. They all play out differently and they aren't exactly identical to one another, but all-in-all, they're the exact same dreams on repeat, over and over.
Two nights ago I dreamed that I was once again in a dilapidated, crippled home, with a broken family, who all feared a dominant and frightening "head of the household," who was male. I never got to see him. He was a mere shadow that I could sense was near. I constantly fled from him. I was terrified of going into the basement, but I went anyway, just to get away from him. The basement was a rustic, filthy place full of dripping pipes and strange noises. I could hear things creeping in the shadows. I wanted out, but I was afraid of that man coming after me.
Down in the basement I found a book, one that explicitly told of the many ways to torture and dismember people. It was filled with gruesome photos in black and white, and the only thing in color was the blood in the pictures. I confronted the other members of the family and demanded to know who the owner of the book was, thinking it might help me save them. They only looked at me with complete and utter fear and wouldn't really tell me.
Last night in my dreams, I met a man, a younger one, who actually had a name that I forget. He was thin, but really strong. He somehow talked me into having sex with him. I was protesting in my mind, but I followed through with it. I wanted to stop, I didn't want to have sex with him, but it was like part of me was agreeing to it that I couldn't control. It was like I was being semi-raped. After having sex with me, he got complete control over me, and I hated everything about it. I didn't want it to happen. He got me to agree with everything he said.
Eventually he vowed to killed everyone I loved, and cause as much destruction as he could, and I tried to argue but I was terrified of him. He could get me to do anything, even things I didn't want. I didn't want to be submissive at all-- I wanted to be free of it. I didn't like any part of it.
I remembered my boyfriend in the dream and I tried to think of ways to hide it from him, to lie to him, to make up some stories. I didn't want to hurt him by telling him all of the bad things that were happening to me, and I didn't want him to abandon me.
Dreams that are just like these two keep happening. The series of events are sometimes changed, and the man who pseudo-rapes me is usually different too. But it's all the same thing. The house in my dreams always looks different, but there's always something cruel, vicious, and frightening lurking inside of it.
I always wake up from these feeling vulnerable and alone. Like I have no control over my own emotions, and they're going absolutely crazy in my subconscious, trying to cause as much pain and anguish in my dreams as possible. It's been a long, long, long time since I've had a happy dream. I can't even remember the last time I've had a peaceful dream.
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