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Naked in the Parking Lot and Locked Out of My Car

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1178


Like so many other dreams, I'm back at my old job at the wood mill. For some reason, I'm in the parking lot and realize I'm naked and locked my clothes and keys in the car. I hide myself the best I can and head to the building next door. In reality, it's a church, but here it's some kind of help center like a clinic.

Once there, a woman meets me at the door and figures out what happened and offers me a towel to wrap around myself. I'm still standing outside for the longest time when someone gives me a set of keys to unlock my car. I ask "Will these keys open my car?" The man replies, "Those keys are universal, they'll open everything."

So then I unlock my car and put my clothes on outside. By the time I get to work, the day's half over and the job I did previously is no longer there. (In reality, it went to China) I hang out with another woman co-worker.

I go into the bathroom and notice very red blotches on my lower face around the jawline and on my neck. I think I may have been exposed to a chemical and it interacted with the sun. I wake up sweaty around my neck and remove my heavier night shirt.
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