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My Dream Man is Gay

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 895


I'm at some kind of family gathering, although it's no one I'm related to. It's a small, enclosed atmosphere with people putting tables together and finding a place to sit for the dinner.

At one point I befriend some young men who take an interest in me and I in them. We discuss paintings and other topics, although now I dont recall exactly what was said or the words.

Later, one of the young men (in his 20's) says he wants to be more than friends and presents me with gifts. I unwrap the first one and it's paints. I'm thrilled and impressed with the price he must have paid for them and say "Oh Jim, what can I say?!" I try to kiss him on the lips but he turns his head and gets a peck on the cheek.

Then something weird happens. I see a news item that rather gossipy in nature talking about some man that was outed as homosexual in a magazine called "OUT." I connect this to "Jim."

I wake up realizing that my "dream man" is gay.
  • BobW
  • sweet slumber
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