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Moving Without Leaving the House

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 829


I'm back living with my family in the neighborhood where I grew up. We are moving, but not out of the same house. A forklift comes and lifts the house and drives it, with us still in it, to a new spot on the same street but up further; a spot nearer the road where another house once stood. While the house was being moved, I could feel the motion of movement.

"I like this new location" I say. I'm puzzled however how they managed to move the house without much difficulty or without any massive damage.

I go back to the original spot and the outside of the house is still here. I'm told that the inside is what was moved and this is just the shell; the protective cover that remains and must come off for the move.

Then I see the house as it is now in it's new location and it looks similar to the old outerside, but the features, such as the front steps, are shorter and less wide.

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