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me and my ex at a party
Published by dancerfraser in the Dream Diary dancerfraser's Dream Diary. Views: 1040
Me and my ex are at a party and we avoid each other the whole night because she said previously that we needed space. But then when we all go to watch a movie the only space free is near her. So i go sit there manouvering myself every second to make sure im still not close to her. Then when i look at her she is in tears so i bring her upstairs to calm her down. She says the break up was stressful and she is having a hard time so i comfort her and stuff. Then we are downstairs again in a dance room where it is divided like social dancing at school. Boys one side girls the other. I walk towards the end of the boys line, if you can call it that, where i see someone who is a prick and who hated me and my ex being together when we went out. I go stand next to my good friend and then she looks at me, and smiles which makes me really happy. Then she gets up and dances with the guy because no one else would and she had no one to dance with either
Im really confused what this means so would someone care to explain please =)
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