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Lake is Littered with Debris
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 893
I'm with my friend's boyfriend and we're discussing going to the beach. He suggests "Why not here?" And we go to the nearest lake and we see down below that the shore is littered with trash---big boxes, discarded furniture, tires, etc. I said, "We can't swim there?"
Then we go inside a building nearby because it's beginning to storm. We make sandwiches and he leaves to talk to some guy that runs the place. He comes back with a contraption and I ask "Is that a metal detector?" He says "Yeah" and proceeds to use it on the floor of the room and finds some stuff in the cracks of the floor and then heads out to the lack to hunt for other "treasures." I'm just wishing I could go swimming.
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