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I've Run Out of Space, Time, and Ideas
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 901
It's the last day of school. I'm back in community college and the professor has assigned for the class to take a booklet, a short story, and make another booklet out of it, something illustrated and different.
I made headlines for each page with a story sum, but the booklet I have has many pages in back full of math equations and geometric shapes. I have no room and have run out of ideas. Someone suggests putting some math equations into my story and I protest "I dont' understand this, I don't remember how to do any of this!"
I ask the teacher, who was also the instructor I had when I actually went to college, if I can have a continuance on this to finish it. If not, can I pass it in as is.
She replies "If you pass it in now, you will get an Incomplete."
I sigh in frustration before waking up.
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