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Indoor Croquet
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 867
I'm in a field and I'm wandering around and I enter a huge barn type structure, but without the hay or animals. The place is pretty empty except to Native American guards standing on each end. I can't get out through the long doors and the windows are two small and far up. There are potted flower plants on the sills. I see a door and ask "Can I exit through this?" Yes, one nods a reply.
I walk out into the feild where a baseball game is happening. I walk passed and into a house. The living room is wide with sparse furnishings and pictures on the walls with frames. A group of people are playing croquet and I take a yellow mallet and hit the ball and it swings up to a picture and swirls around the frame and comes back and hits me just below my left eye. I wake up.
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