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I Warn Weird Man to Stop Scaring Moose

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 835


I'm walking down the road and it's winter with snow on the ground. I had just spent a confusing time at a school setting trying to prepare for my next class when the bell wouldn't ring and I spent most of the time in an unsupervised class with nothing to do but wait.

I'm walking by the grade school I used to go to. There's some kind of outdoor activity---a ball game with teams. The kids are dressed for the season. I hear a child yelling "Stop it! Stop it!" A weird man with white hair and beard is stomping his feet and a white moose is acting startled by this but doesn't run away.

I get the impression the child (a girl) wants him to stop scaring the moose. I walk by and yell "Stop it!" I see the coach/teacher standing there (a man) not saying anything or pretending not to notice.

The man picks up a small sheet of ice and begins to fling it at me and I say "If you continue to do that, the moose will chase you and stomp you and maybe everyone else in the area." The ice lands at my feet as if he meant for it to do that as a warning to leave him alone. I walk on and realize he's turned his attention on me. He starts to shoot another thing of snow and ice at me when I wake up.
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