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Hired to Do Housework with Pug Dog Vacuum

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 887


I've been hired to clean house for a woman with two small kids. My first task is laundry. I have sheets and I go into a laundry room that resembles a cross between a rec room and a laundry mat but it's extremely cluttered and there's stuff on the rug that looks like dried feces. There are other washers with stuff in them and I look for an empty one. I put the laundry in and go into the living room/ dining room area to start to vacuum. There's paper all over the rugs and other debris and the woman has company and I know I had better start to vacuum. The vacuum has very poor suction and I try to take it apart to see why. The collection part is full of what looks like stuffing you find in furniture and stuffed animals. I try to vacuum and it goes in reverse, shooting out stuffing all over the place. Then the collection part of the vacuum turns into a pug dog. I pick up the dog and look down its gullet and see it is full of stuffing. I wonder if I'll get paid for the little work I did. The woman is picking up stuff including more laundry while her company sits on the furniture.

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