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Funnels in the Sky and Negative Images

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 855


Most of this dream has slipped my conscious mind, but some details I remember. There's a panel with switches and someone plugs into one. It creates a storm. I'm in a shed type thing and run toward a house that reminds me of the one I grew up in. Everything looks like a negative of a photo, and black and white. I hear someone say "There are funnels." I look up into the sky and see two whirlwind funnels side by side going opposite directions. Clouds are swirling and an electric charge creates lightening and I managed to get inside the house before it strikes.

Then later I dream about a garden snake crawling up my leg. I feel something land in my hair and on my neck. I wake up startled and could actually feel it. I look but there's nothing.

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