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Feb 4 2011

Published by Jayabusa in the Dream Diary Jayabusa's Dream Diary. Views: 1135

In this dream, there were some of my acting friends in, my exfiancee two different versions of her one got along with and one that ingored me, a bunch of katana swords, a bar that everyone hung out at, and somehow an alien was involved.

Well basically starting I was withthe version of my ex we got along and were cool, and somehow the alien got involved detail on this part are sketchy but I remember the alien had something to do with me and the good version of my ex. I was trying to tell her something important, from what I remember it had to do with the alien encounter and she didn't want to talk to me, she was running from me towards this bar. Then I went to this bar where I ran into a bunch of my acting friends and the crazy thing about this bar was at the door you had to put your sword up along the wall, it kind reminded me of the old west when the guns had to be put away when entering a city type of thing. I still don't know wehre the heck I got a Katana sword, so I went to put mine in a spot with the rest and my thoughts were what if someone stole my sword. After finally putting my sword up I looked for the other version of my ex, the one who didn't want anything to do with me from the begining of the dream, because I couldn't find the other one and wanted to tell her what I needed to tell her. She apparently worked at this bar as a waitress and when I finally got close enough to her, this place was packed, and when I should have said something to her out of the frustration of her ignoring me I didn't say anything. Like I just gave up, then I woke.
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