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dreamscape explained
Published by Aader in the Dream Diary Aader's Dream Diary. Views: 1498
my theory of dreamscape has been awaiting a conclusion.i theorize that when we sleep our emotions are connected with ideas. i also believe that our sub-consious mind are conected. this comes from my radical christianity. i believe that GOD put a link in our minds to help us survive. this is why hypnosis works. when you dream your thought and ideas get caught up in a maelstorm. there are ways to block this intrusion but it will cost you some great dreams. evidence 1: my last 3 girlfriends i dreampt of them before i ever met them. i knew what they liked how they acted what the were good at and their dislikes. but i did have sometime with them some people would say. i say i knew this before hand. evidence 2:this could be what notradaumus expeirenced. three weeks before 9/11/01 i dreampt of our nation being attacked. the strange thing is i heard a iraqi language being spoke but i understood it( i can only speak two languages english, and some espanol, i can read classical greek) i knew who this man that attacked us was where he was from ( i told my aunt who had the same dream). coincidence some would say but it is not.evidence 3: 4/12-13/06 around 12:00-1:00 i dreamed i was talking to martin luther king. he old me of a new presidental era. that would come in 2 years. the next day on the news obama comes on t.v. to announce his canidency for president. i think that i got the information from obamas mind itself. another thing to make this not seem all about me is the mothership and catface. i never heard of them untill recently then out of no where this britsh dude is saving me from the queen mary where i worked in my dream then i found this site and found that post and it prove our dreams are connected. but even though our dreams are connected all dreams are unique and each indivsual has there own sence of perception. in lay man terms our dream are connected but our dreams are our on they form from our minds then we dream them. after we dream them they get sucked into this maelstorm to be recycled back into other dreams:drink::cat3:
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