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Dream about a girl

Published by Justas in the Dream Diary Justas's Dream Diary. Views: 1093

First hello, this is my first post here and second English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes.

The dream:

It is late evening, its dark, but still no lights in the street, I am walking with a girl, actually i can not even see her face, more like a shadow besides me. And she just runs away really fast, reaches the corner turns and disappears from my sight. As she runs away i think: I probably should catch her, but me having some extra weight i understand i can never do that. I decide to make a shortcut to the narrow path between buildings, thinking it might help me catch her. So i start to run, i see a small fence, I jump over it and as i run away i see that it was no fence it was a gate, and i just left it open. I continue running, enter other area with really high fence, i think it must be some private territory, there might be a guard, i don't want any trouble. And in the distance i see a few shadows under the light, so i decide to climb the fence. As i do that, it looks like it is made out of rubber it just bends to the ground and there is no trouble at all. As i am reaching the top i see her running towards me, i actually was faster.

After she approaches me, she says:
You are the first one who did that.
I answer:
Let me get some air, and i will catch you again.

After that i am back where i was at the beginning of the dream, just walking the opposite way and alone. And suddenly door opens and someone drags me in, makes me sit and says:
Listen and remember.
I have not seen him before but it feels like i know him, he starts saying some poem, but i say i do not know that language, he says thats bad. Then i enter next room, full of people, and again i cannot see their faces but it feels i know them all, they are watching some movie. And then she enters the room. I just know that its her, i can see her now she is wearing something with stripes(red, orange, yellow, some other bright colors) and her long straight black hair. She starts saying the same poem that man wanted to make me remember. The time stops, i feel paralysed, only she is moving around and pointing with her finger, like counting everyone in the room, and when she reaches me, the poem stops and she kisses me, but just before the kiss i see her wearing huge square glasses, i think :i don't mind that, she is still amazing, after the kiss glasses are gone like they never been there. Time starts moving again, i try to kiss her again, but she says no. She wants to watch the movie. But there is no place to sit, i see two chairs in the corner so i bring one for her, and one for myself. she sits on one and before i sit besides her, my chair breaks apart. I look around and i only see one more empty space, it is on the other side of the room, i have no choice but to go and sit there.

The dream ends and i wake up.
The strange thing is even though i saw her face, i don't actually know anyone like her in real life.
  • BobW
  • Justas
  • BobW
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