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Don't Climb the Snow Mound

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 895


I had awoken early only to go back to sleep and dream the following---It is nighttime and there's snow on the ground. I'm attempting to drive out of a parking spot and there's a boy who is trying to climb a fresh 3 ft. high mound of snow. I warn him of the dangers that because the snow is not packed, he could fall through and suffocate if he's trapped inside. He doesn't believe me and says he's going to try it anyway. My cat Wiley is here, and somehow escapes the car. I walk ahead, looking for him and yell out the name of my late cat Freddie. I see a dead black and white cat on the side of the road and it's body is wet and bloody. I fear it's Wiley but the body is too small. A young woman is now in the car waiting for a ride somewhere. Another boy shows up and says to me that people in the north have a lot in common with southerners. I'm glad to hear this until he says it's because they both hate gays.


the boy who defied me about the snow mound was like the kids in the class I substituted for last week.
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