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demonic hotchner
Published by jessleonheart in the Dream Diary jessleonheart's Dream Diary. Views: 1229
I had a dream about Hotchner from Criminal Minds. At first it was like we were at an amusement park and he was just kind of following me around. Then things got really wierd. It was like the time period changed and it was like Europe back when everybody was wearing those stupid wigs, including Hotchner. We were in this big mansion that was being used as hotel and there were people everywhere. However there was one room with a large wooden coffin. Hotchner was keeping people in the coffin torturing them and everyone in the mansion figured out what he was doing so they killed him. Then the whole building started to shake and there was lightning and all of the windows lite up with blue light. Then who I assume was Death showed up to take Hotchner's ghost away and told us that we were all offal people and would be cursed. Death looked like a normal guy accept his face was covered in boils and the sides of his mouth were slit and bleeding. So some of the people who wanted Hotchner to stay started pleading with death to just leave him with us as punishment. Then they left and the lightning started again and I woke up.
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