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Demon in the Bedroom
Published by zapemaster in the Dream Diary zapemaster's Dream Diary. Views: 1150
((This dream was very recent, I actually just had it last night and it worried me greatly for reasons you readers will soon understand))
the color scheme for my dream was a little different, and as the dream progressed it continued to change into very purple psychedelic colors. It was a short dream, but I couldn’t wait for it to end. The setting was what my house looks like in reality.
i headed to bed for that night like any other night. I couldn’t tell any difference, everything seemed fine. As i fell asleep in my dream, i started to feel a falling feeling that I sometimes get when i feel i might leave my body. i always freak out so i would never actually leave my body because i was afraid. This time it thought i would give into it so i could conquer my fears and potentially explore a whole new world. But something went wrong, because I could feel myself become possessed by something else (note that I’ve never been possessed in reality, so I don’t know what it actually feels like). The colors of the world looked very different, and I didn’t have full control of my motor functions. The falling feeling didn’t go away and it intensified.
It was a battle of wills and I was losing. The harder I fought the more control the demon had. Eventually I started floating off the bed and then got tossed onto the floor. I stood up, but could feel myself rising off the floor. I felt so heavy. Our wills at this point -since I was going into shock- merged and I wasn’t so afraid. I think there was purple mist coming from me. Even though I wasn’t afraid, I was very depressed. The connection I had with the demon did not please me. We communicated , and though I could now move on my own volition, at any time the demon would take over to do as it desired. The falling sensation was still going on at this point, but I think that’s what gave me the ability to move through space.
Someone entered the room ( I don’t know who, but it was either my sister, boyfriend, mom or best friend, but for some reason I think it was my sister.) I demonstrated how I could now fly and the look on –her?- face turned sour with shock. I told her what happened and she left the room quickly. I sat down on the bed and did nothing; I could feel emotions start to become irrelevant, like a psychopath shut off from emotion. My snake slithered around in his tank…
((after this the dream ended, I probably moved on to another dream irrelevant to this one, or I blacked out from my dreaming self. I'm not sure, but this is all I remember))
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