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Cloud Forms Into Sand and Stone Structure and Breaks Apart
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 803
I'm in a house with a group of people---family members and school students---and we see up in the sky is a cloud forming. It forms into a peculiar shape; a carousel with a crown shaped structure on top. On top of that is what resembles a tower with arrows coming out the openings/windows.
As it descends, it's color changes to a light brown like sand. Then it acts like sand, blowing in the wind and dusting up the landscape until it breaks apart. As it breaks apart, the parts turn to stone before hitting the ground.
I yell "Watch out, it's turned to huge rocks!" The rock parts plummet to the ground and smash things--trees, cars, houses,--and almost hits the house we are in.
Then it is quiet, but only for a brief moment. There's another huge crash and I yell "Stay inside and duck for cover. It ain't over yet!"
I awake with a feeling like WOW, what an amazing dream.
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