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Can't Find Car or List of Contacts

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1541


First part of the dream I'm with my sister and we stop at a house (not sure why) and the man that has the house also has a barber shop. We learn (how we find out isn't clear) that he bit the top of a guy's face off and now we're being hosted by a freak who mutilates people. We agree we need to leave but my sister can't find the car. We look for it in weird places---walk-in closets, dens, a playground---but to no avail. We sit on a picnic bench and decide what to do next. My sister is grinning (an ironic grin) over the whole thing.

Next, I wake up late (as I usually do since being unemployed with a disabling condition) and realize I haven't called in sick to work. I'm desperately looking on my phone (which looks like a child's toy with round knobs and buttons and hard plastic pages that flip) for the number for my workplace and all I find is several messages from a guy that are several months old. They are projected on a wall where he's talking and demonstrating stuff like instructional videos but I find no number.

Then I'm at the workplace and find the guy that has all the messages on my "phone." He looks at me puzzled when I remind him that he has all these messages on my phone. He says he will assist me in a moment. I"m still trying to figure out how to get my contact lists on this phone, even going up to one of the supervisors and asking for help. She's on a computer and says she will help me in a moment. I mention that I didn't call in to work this morning because I was sick and overslept.

Then I recognize a rather famous face among the crowd and he walks around a corner and it occurs to me that it's a shadow of someone who used to work here and who I regularly conversed with but has moved on to other things.

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