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Can't Add The Columns of Numbers

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 855


I'm with my former student and he has a column of numbers that look like prices of things. My friend Sylvia is here too and I introduce her to him. I ask him to get his calculator out and I begin to add up the columns of numbers but for some reason every time I enter a number, it comes up with the same figure, something weird like r2.08. I know he will be taking the paper home and I don't want to appear incompetent (something I struggle with in reality) and put a big X slash through the columns of numbers with a note that reads "Oops!"

Then I see two buses out in the parking lot spinning their tires and swirling around the parking lot. I run outside to see who is driving. The bus smacks into the side of the building as it takes the corner too sharp. I see the bus driver is one of my student's former teachers. I think about reporting him when I wake up.
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