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Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1075


I'm in a place that's like a cafeteria but also is part of a school. Two men walk by and take a place at a booth. One is smoking a cigar and reminds me of Donald Trump. The place is fairly busy with wait staff tending to people.

Then I'm given two long square plastic tubes that fit in the palm of my hand. One is filled with shrimp salad and the other one contains toothpaste. I'm told these are being given in preparation for ARC. The waitress asks me "Do you know about ARC?" I say "Do you mean Action and Response to Crisis?" "Yes" she says.

Then a man runs in and says his two friends are stuck in a rock quarry. I see two men in a tank-type vehicle that is wedged between two rock boulders. One of them has a rifle and threatens to start shooting people. The other man gets free from the tank and turns a lever and the tank portion holding the other man turns and then he's hanging upside down. He's yelling but we leave him there because of his threats.

I'm wondering if this was the crisis in ARC.
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